Nidek Handyref-K
- Anytime-anywhere handheld measurement
- Excellence of advanced functions
- Improved usability by innovative functionality
- Measurement method
- Measurement mode
Anytime-anywhere handheld measurement
The HandyRef-K/HandyRef is lightweight and also has excellent weight distribution. Its compact design makes it easy to hold, balance, and use. Intelligently designed button layout is also useful in one-handed operation.
Excellence of advanced functions
Full graphic LCD with 3.5-inch color screen
The full graphic 3.5-inch color LCD is 40% larger than the previous model. Clear screen design and intuitive icons similar to the ARK-1/AR-1 series provide high user-friendliness.
Supine position mode
By tilting the instrument 60º or more downward, it enters supine position mode automatically. When measuring from patient’s side, the cylinder axis is compensated by 90º before display.
Improved usability by innovative functionality
Melody function
For inexperienced patients like children, the melody function can be of help. It can ease patient’s anxiety and draw attention.
Measurement method
Pupil zone imaging method
The HandyRef-K/HandyRef analyzes a wide area (Max. 4 mm diameter) pupil zone. By measuring the light coming through the pupil zone in a wide area, more accurate measurement data closer to the subjective refraction is now possible.
SynchroScan Technology
The HandyRef-K/HandyRef adopted an excellent measurement method; “SynchroScan Technology”. Measurements start when the alignment starts, and locks in the data when alignment becomes optimal as a measurement value. It provides a more stable measurement value more effectively and efficiently.
Measurement mode
Auto shot mode
When the alignment/focusing becomes optimal, the HandyRef-K/HandyRef gets the measurement data automatically. If unstable data is included, additional measurement automatically starts.